Mossycup Farms takes its name from the huge, old mossycup oaks covering the property. Also known as bur oak, the trees drop plenty of acorns with fringed caps that look like “mossy cups.”
Believe it or not, there was a time when owning a family farm was part of wishful thinking, and not necessarily something we thought we’d jump into fully.
So why did we start? The reasons are plentiful and our answers range from “fond memories made us do it!” to “something had to change so we didn’t feel awful anymore.”
If you’re wondering about the latter, we’re referring to the “F” word…. food allergies. Count us among the many who felt sick far too often from a combination of the foods we were consuming and the products we used on our bodies. Enough was enough, and we took matters into our own hands to become the primary source of our food and body care.
Obviously food allergies alone didn’t send us heading for the country to start a heritage hog operation. There has always been a deep love for farm life, with Laura having grown up on a farm; that was an experience we wanted for our family, too. We also consider ourselves foodies and having that connection to our food makes the experience of enjoying it much richer. We enjoy time spent in the kitchen cooking, canning, taste-testing, sharing a meal together, and creating the gluten and MSG-free seasoning blends you’ve come to enjoy; it fills our proverbial cup.
We had experience to give us confidence with our new adventure, with Jesse’s background in chemical engineering, we developed and tested our own line of gentle, effective soap products made with clean ingredients. Paired with Laura’s childhood and experience on her family farm including her grandmother’s recipes for soaps, we felt excited to start life on our farm.
Everything that led us here is what inspired our mission to create the highest quality food for our family, and also for you.
We hope you can tell the love and care we put into our products, all with the ultimate goal of helping you put healthy, local, and sustainable options on the table, and to nourish your body.
Using certified organic feed and pasture grazing, we raise heritage breed pork; free-range geese, ducks, turkeys and chickens for meat and eggs. We produce amazing, pure-white lard for cooking, handmade lard soaps & skincare products and signature seasoning blends that are used in our sausages and also sold as dry mixes for use at home.
Mossycup Farms offers products direct from the farm, online, and wholesale through restaurants and grocery stores.