Seasoning cast iron pans and pots is simple. There’s a lot of ‘do and don’t’ lore and content out there, but these pans are made to last and with a good season now and then, you’ll be sure to keep your cast iron in top shape.

First, choose what you want to season your cast iron with. We recommend using lard or our cast iron seasoning oil, which is a blend of our pasture-raised lard, grassfed tallow from Grandview Beef, and beeswax from local Iowa beekeepers. Lard is best kept refrigerated to maintain freshness but our cast iron seasoning oil is shelf stable so can be left out at room temperature.
Once you’ve chosen your seasoning of choice, ensure your pan in clean; make sure that no stuck on bits of char or food are left on. If so, use a grainy salt and a brush (like the bamboo one in our set) to get the pan as clean as possible. Steel wool can be used for pans needing some extra attention.
When the pan is clean and dry, grab a paper towel and generously scoop out some seasoning to coat the pan. Get all the nooks and crannies… top, bottom, inside, and out, handles and all, coated in a nice thick layer. See our video below for what our pan looks like when we’re giving it a good seasoning.
Place the oiled pan in a 375 F oven for an hour. After an hour, leave the pan in the oven, but turn the oven off. Let it cool. And that’s it!
Season your pans two or three times a year. If you notice things sticking when you’re cooking, or if the iron itself is looking dry and dull, take that as a cue that it’s time to season your pan.