On occasion, we offer live hogs or hatching eggs for sale. We are a small operation and will not always have animals available. Please contact us to confirm availability. A deposit will be required to hold an animal.
Things to consider before contacting us about purchasing a live animal or hatching eggs: Our animals have a good life and are allowed access to the outdoors, clean bedding and socialization. We will only sell to other farms that offer a similar life. Pigs are social animals and do not do well alone – we will not sell fewer than two pigs at a time unless you’re purchasing a breeding animal to add to an existing herd. Even then, we’d prefer to send them to their new home with a familiar friend to reduce stress. If you intend to use confinement practices or farrowing crates – please look elsewhere as our hogs are not what you’re looking for.
We’ve been developing the genetics of our swine herd for the past 8 years, intentionally selecting and adding genetics that thrive in a pasture raised environment, require minimal intervention from us during farrowing, build nests, forage and produce high quality meat and lard. Our herd began with pure bred Mangalitsa hogs and we’ve added other genetics to over the years including Large Black Hog, Berkshire, Tamworth, Hereford and Duroc to add desirable traits such as increased litter size, better meat to fat ratio and improved finishing times while maintaining the superior meat and fat quality of the Mangalitsa. Our average litter size is 9 and finish time is 7.5 months with an average hanging weight of 195 pounds. The meat is well marbled and the lard is bright white.
Pricing for live pigs:
Feeder Pigs (less than 12 weeks) $200
Feeder Pigs (12 to 14 weeks) $250
Largest Gilt from litter $400
Largest intact male (Boarling) from litter $400
Bred Gilt Sow (exposed 2 cycles) $1,000
Our poultry flocks are a beautiful mix of heritage breeds that have been selected over the years to free range, reproduce naturally and be cold hardy. The majority of our flock was hatched here on farm, many by hens which, in our opinion, is the best way possible but we also incubate when that’s not an option. Hatching eggs will be collected within a week before pick up and stored at room temperature to maximize hatch rate.
Pricing for hatching eggs:
Chicken: $15/ dozen
Turkey: $12/ half dozen
Duck: $12/ half dozen